Sunday 11 June 2017

June 2017

Hi Denizens!

Hope that all is well with you and yours. And I hope too that you are (finally) enjoying the nice summer weather.

Those of you who did not attend the April 2017 'Browser's Magic Bash' may not have heard that after fourteen years Shawna has left the shop.

She left on good terms. In fact she and her dear husband Marvin had some good fortune come their way and as a result they are able to take on new challenges.
Shawna still works one or two days each week doing secretarial work at an optician's office.

As I did publicly at the Bash I would like to repeat here that I want to thank her for her fourteen years of good customer service.

Do not despair Shawna will still be seen helping us out at the shop. In fact just last week at our semi-annual store auction Shawna capably handled the cash register duties; may I add she did not make a single error.

Now the old saying goes that with every cloud there is a silver lining. Well, in the case of Shawna leaving I beleive that many of you will agree with me that for in this case we have a gold lining.
That is, with Shawna's leaving I am able and glad to let you know that Jeff Hinchliffe has agreed to start working again fulltime at the shop.

Jeff Hinchliffe will be taking on Shawna's duties of updating our website as well as working beside me demonstrating and helping you our dear customers.

And of course for you serious cardicians Jeff is very qualified to help you with your questions.

Now with Jeff Hinchliffe's return I should be able to have a bit more time to do stuff like this (Blog's).

Until next time,
Old Jeff.