Hi There Friends of Browser's Den...Thought I would let a very good friend of the shop review the lecture given at the shop last night.
by Boychick Pan
I look forward to my visits to "The Den". Jeff, Shawna, Lisa and Dennis usually have some new trick or DVD or book to demonstrate and discuss. They always make me feel very welcome and at home.
I also enjoy attending their special lectures and workshops as I did on this past Sunday to see Jason Palter. I must admit I was not familiar with Jason's work but I knew from past experience that it should be fun to attend. And it was.
Jason is a professional's professional. On a grey, dull overcast afternoon in early December he presented two solid hours of his latest innovative tricks and ideas with much energy, enthusiasm and humour. You can't help liking the guy. And that's perhaps the greatest secret of magic that he shared with us - performance is everything. Anybody can do tricks but not everyone can do magic.
Jason also shared witty and wise words on performing in restaurants (a frequent question from the audience), on finding your own style (you must perform at every opportunity you can), on inventing tricks (the best ideas often come to you when you are doing something else), on the importance of scripting versus improv, and on adjusting performance between younger and older crowds.
It's hard to pick my favourite trick out of his unique brand of originals which he has so successfully marketed for sale. They tend to be of the mental magic category - and as performed by Jason we are talking about a very engaging style of mentalism. As such his effects are largely performance-oriented which perhaps not every hobbyist or amateur will immediately appreciate. Several have diabolically clever gimmicks as well. His latest, "Third Degree Burn, 2.0" is one such intriguing effect as is his "Psionic". I liked them both. I also liked how he referenced the Tarbell books as his original inspiration. (Jeff P. apparently provided some too.) It reminded us all that there's solid gold in the classics of magic just waiting to be updated and revised by the next Copperfield, Blaine or...
Jason is also a partner in "Tenyo Elite" - an impressive line of licensed products re-imagined in elegant metals and wood rather than the usual plastic. His version of the Tenyo classic "Chinese Fortune Sticks" were probably my favourite "toys" (Jason's own wry description) on display all afternoon.
All in all I enjoyed myself and want to thank Jeff for graciously presenting another "special event" and Jason for his hard work and dedication to the art of magic.
The End.